Tuesday, April 12, 2011

CUDA Kd-tree Implementations

My motivation of going after CUDA kd-tree implementations is to be able to do the k-Nearest-Neighbors (a.k.a. KNN queries) queries in Delaunay triangulation (DT) procedure. The incremental algorithm of DT requires us, to find the a point with nearest delaunay distance to the given edge. The delaunay distance of a point to the line is not equal to the Euclidean distance between the two, but the points that are Euclidean-distance-wise closer to the edge, are more probably of being closer delaunay-distance-wise. Without any optimization or acceleration structure, finding the delaunay-closest point would require us to check every point in the input point-cloud to find the minimum. So, if we could somehow conservatively limit ourselves to a subset of all n points, that would speed-up the algorithm significantly. Ergo, I thought of kd-tree. If we could do a prepass where we take all n points and organize them in a kd-tree, finding such a subset of points is equivalent to doing KNN queries. There is still one unanswered question in my mind, why isn't the euclidean-nearest point to an edge equal to the delaunay-nearest point to the edge? Or is it? If yes, then why don't we just find the closest find (the nearest neighbor), why to do all the circumcircle computations? There should be some reason why we do so, that makes the euclidean-closest point not necessarily the delaunay-closest point to a given edge.
Well, following are, in my opinion, good resources for kd-tree on CUDA:

[0] http://www.nvidia.com/content/nvision2008/tech_presentations/Game_Developer_Track/NVISION08-Interactive_Ray_Tracing.pdf

[1]  MNRT  (here)
The "Source Code Availability" section of the documentation of MNRT says that "Source code of MNRT will be available soon. I still need to update some Doxygen comments to be ready for this step". So no source code for now.
so, MNRT rating: 1/5 - mainly because lack of source code ;)

[2] <<TODO>> http://code.google.com/p/cuda-kdtree/source/checkout
I could download and compile the code successfully. The code is meant for Windows and uses some Windows-specific calls for setting up the timers, which can be simply commented out to make the code run on Linux (I use Ubuntu Maverick 10.10). The code takes an .obj model file, reads its vertices, and constructs a kd-tree with those points on GPU. It writes the kd-tree blocks into an output file (named "kdtree.will").
I suspect that the code is an implementation of [0], simply because the one authors of the code and that of the paper is named Rui. But that's just a guess. If it's so, the paper can help understand the code more.
The only problem I found with the code is that it does not provide the nearest-neighbor queries to the kd-tree, yet. It just constructs it. The next code I will talk about even provides such functions.
so, rating:  3/5 - good code but no nearest neighbor queries yet.

[3] <<TODO>> Nghia Ho's blog post on KD-tree on GPU for 3D point searching discusses his implementation and results. His implementation also includes the nearest neighbor searching.
so, rating:  ??/5 - good code but no nearest neighbor queries yet.

[4] <<TODO>> Shawn Brown's implementation - http://www.cs.unc.edu/~shawndb/
* is 2010 work.
* has source-code.
* support for 2D, 3D, 4D point data.
* has GPU kernels for Query nearest neighbor (QNN), All-Nearest Neighbor (All-NN), 'k' nearest neighbor (kNN), and All 'k' Nearest Neighbor (All-kNN).
* has documentation- has corresponding 2010 paper by himself.
so, rating:  ??/5 - all above reasons.

[5] Zidan's implementation: http://www.mahmoudzidan.com/WorkArchive/
* Not tested yet!

[6] Kd tree on GPU for 3D point searchinghttp://nghiaho.com/?p=437

1 comment:

  1. thanks for gathering these useful links.
    now I'm glad to tell you that MNRT is available here : http://mnrt.codeplex.com/
